Manisha Koirala-starrer 'Maska' to stream on March 27Mumbai, Mar 12 : Coming-of-age film "Maska", featuring actor Manisha Koirala, will debut on March 27 on Netflix, the streaming service announced Thursday. The Netflix Original is directed by debutant Neeraj Udhwani, who has served as writer on films such as "Mere Dad Ki Maruti" and "Dil To Baccha Hai Ji". "Maska" traces the journey of a confused, young millennial, Rumi (Prit Kamani) who sets out to fulfil his dream of becoming a movie star until a summer romance with a clear-headed girl helps him discover the fine line between dreams and delusions, a press release said. It also features Jaaved Jaaferi, Nikita Dutta, and marks the acting debut of singing sensation, Shirley Setia. This marks Manisha's second project with the streamer after anthology series "Lust Stories". She will also be seen in another Netflix film "Freedom", directed by Dibakar Banerjee. |
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