Kriti Sanon completes 'Mimi' shootMumbai, Mar 5 : It's a wrap for "Mimi", its lead actor Kriti Sanon announced on Thursday. The film is based on Samruddhi Porey-directed feature "Mala Aai Vhaaychya", which won the National Award for best feature film in Marathi in 2011. "Mimi" marks the second collaboration of the trio of Kriti, actor Pankaj Tripathi and director Laxman Utekar, after last year's "Luka Chuppi". Kriti and Pankaj have also worked on "Bareilly Ki Barfi" (2017). Kriti said working on the film was a learning experience. "The most satisfying schedule ever with a super passionate and hardworking cast & crew!!" Kriti wrote alongside a few pictures with the team on Instagram. "It's such a lovely feeling when everyone just wants to put in their best effort to make a beautiful film! #Mimi this one is too close to my heart," she added. Produced by Dinesh Vijan, the film also features veteran actors Manoj Pahwa and Supriya Pathak, and Sai Tamhankar. "Mimi" is scheduled to be released this year. |
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