TN Deputy CM Greets Vice President Naidu On BirthdayChennai, Jul 1 : Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam on Wednesday greeted Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on his 71st birthday. The AIADMK Coordinator said it was "quite befitting that this high office (of V-P) is adorned by an erudite scholar, parliamentarian and statesman like you." "It is no secret that your vast and deep knowledge of our people's aspirations and problems, right from your student days, have moulded you into what you are," Panneerselvam said in his greetings to Naidu. Panneerselvam conveyed his "heartiest felicitations and I feel privileged to join lakhs of well-wishers, who pray for your continued stride in the service of the nation". |
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